13/08/2024  Moritz Förster

The BfArM has released the new figures for the second quarter of 2024. 11.7 tons of medical cannabis were imported into Germany in the first three months after the reclassification. More than ever before. In the first half of the year, the total import volume thus amounts to 19.8 tons. The question arises: In which countries are producers benefiting most from the increased demand in Germany?

In 2023, imports from Canada accounted for over 50 percent of the total volume. In the first half of 2024, significantly more than half of all imports again came from Canada (11.1 tons). Extrapolated over the whole year, volumes from Canada rose by 31.44 percent in the first half of 2024. Imports from Denmark rose by almost 40 percent, from North Macedonia by almost 62 percent, from Portugal by 71 percent, from Spain by almost 62 percent and from South Africa by over 61 percent. 


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