Countries can more easily deny cannabis clubs permission. This is intended to prevent commercial projects.
The federal government wants to tighten up the consumer cannabis law. This is primarily intended to take into account the concerns of the federal states . This emerges from a draft law that our editorial team has received. The aim of the measures is therefore to avoid the creation of large-scale and commercial structures in cannabis cultivation and to make it easier for the authorities to monitor cultivation associations.
Specifically, the aim is to ensure that several cultivation associations are not allowed to operate cultivation areas in the same place or in the same property. Last but not least, in order not to come into conflict with European law, it is important to prevent the creation of plantations or large-scale cultivation areas that are more difficult to control. To achieve this, cultivation must remain limited to small-scale, non-commercial structures and for personal consumption . In addition, members must actively participate in cultivation associations and are not allowed to simply buy their cannabis there.