Key date July 1 - Only a few applications for cannabis cultivation associations


In North Rhine-Westphalia, a few Cannabis growing associations filed applications for permits starting July 1st, as revealed by a dpa survey of the responsible district administrations. According to the Health Ministry, the processing of applications can last up to three months.

The Federal law, which has been in effect since April for the partial legalization of Cannabis, stipulates that clubs can apply for a permit for collective cultivation and distribution of Cannabis from July 1st. The administrative responsibility for this has been assigned to the five district administrations, which are allowed to hire additional personnel for this purpose.

According to a spokesperson, the first applications have been submitted in the Regierungsbezirk Duesseldorf, but a specific number could not yet be named by the authority. Three applications have been filed at the Bezirksregierung Köln by Tuesday, and one in Detmold. At the Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, there were initially "three incomplete applications," according to a spokesperson. The Bezirksregierung Münster reported no applications yet.


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