26/03/2024  Liz Filmer

The harvest was accumulated via 32 cooperatives made up of 430 farmers and covering a total of 277 hectares in the northern Rif mountain regions of Al Houceima, Taounat and Chefchaouen.

The United Nations drugs agency states that around 47,000 hectares of the Rif are committed to cannabis cultivation, approximately a third of the amount in 2003 following government crackdowns.
In 2024 applications by 1,500 farmers will be reviewed of farmers who arranged themselves into 130 cooperatives. Cultivation and farming of the regional drought-hardy landrace strain, known as Beldia, has begun this month in March, it said.
Although Morocco is a significant cannabis producer, cannabis use for recreational purposes is still officially illegal, however in practice, it is widely tolerated.


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