
Berlin, January 3, 2024 - The federal government has commissioned the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) to adapt the Medicines Directive with regard to the approval requirement for medical cannabis. Individual specialist groups and required qualifications should be defined for which the approval requirement should no longer apply in the future. The professional associations in the field of medical cannabis have submitted statements to the G-BA.

Problem with reservation of approval

Currently, the costs of medical cannabis are only covered for those with statutory health insurance if the health insurance company has previously approved this (subject to approval). The procedure established for this is daunting, lengthy and bureaucratic, especially for doctors and patients. In addition, 30 – 40% of applications submitted to doctors for cost coverage are rejected by statutory health insurance companies. The result is that medical cannabis – despite the proven benefits – is still not offered across the board. Sick people are currently often forced into illegality.
For these reasons, the signatory associations expressly support any step that makes it easier for statutory health insurance companies to cover costs. The associated reduction in bureaucracy not only leads to cost savings for the health insurance companies but also to better treatment for patients.