
First application by a cultivation association for the collective cultivation of cannabis in Berlin approved


Press release from 26.08.2024

In accordance with the Consumption Cannabis Act (KCanG), which came into force in Germany on July 1, 2024, a cultivation association has been granted a permit for the collective cultivation of cannabis. The Green Leaf Society eV association submitted a corresponding application to the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district office on July 25.

After a thorough review of the submitted documents, they meet the approval criteria set out in the law. The law places particular emphasis on the issues of youth protection, security, non-commercial structures and information on health and addiction risks for club members.

The application, which is based on the application documents of the Free State of Saxony, addresses these points in a comprehensive, structured and comprehensive manner. The health and youth protection concept alone is around 40 pages long. The application for permission is characterized by careful preparation, well thought-out concepts and almost complete documentation, which made the decision much easier.

The Marzahn-Hellersdorf District Office has so far only received this application from the district. Until a binding regulation is passed at the state level, the districts will continue to be responsible only for applications from their districts. The Marzahn-Hellersdorf District Office has therefore fulfilled its administrative mandate.


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