Moritz Förster
Great relief in the cannabis industry. Until last Friday, it was unclear whether and how the SPD would adapt its draft election manifesto for the upcoming federal election with regard to the regulation of cannabis at its party conference. Now the SPD has spoken out in favor of the full legalization of cannabis in its election manifesto. This means that even in the event of a potential "GroKo", i.e. a coalition of the CDU/CSU and SPD, a complete repeal of the Cannabis Act (CanG) is likely to be off the table after the upcoming federal election.
The final election manifesto now states: “In order to improve health protection, the protection of young people and the fight against organized crime, we want to take the necessary steps to enable legalization of cannabis in accordance with European law.”
The Greens explicitly mention the Cannabis Act in their program and want to continue the "change". Looking back, the FDP speaks of a "decisive" first step and assures that it will "stick to" cannabis legalization. The SPD, on the other hand, does not make a corresponding reference to the Cannabis Act. Lawyer Kai-Friedrich Niermann does not want to overinterpret this and welcomes the SPD's wording: "This should not be analyzed too narrowly. It is a typical formulation for an election program. With this promise, at most adjustments are possible, but not a reversal of what has been achieved." Anything else would probably be a breach of the election promise. The experienced cannabis lawyer also welcomes the initiative at EU level and a possible adjustment of the 2004 framework decision. According to Niermann, this would certainly take the entire legislative period.