17/07/2024  Margarita Cardoso de Meneses, CannaReporter

t's in thousands of products. It is presented as the new panacea for almost all ailments and although it seems like it is cool, it is not quite true. What is Cannabidiol (CBD), what is it recommended for and what is the legal framework for this cannabinoid in Portugal? These are some of the questions we will answer in this FAQ guide.

What is CBD?
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a molecule found in plants from the cannabinaceae family (in Latin cannabaceae) and one of more than a hundred cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa. CBD distinguishes itself from other cannabinoids by being “one of the most prevalent active compounds in cannabis,” according to Harvard Health Publishing. It is found in all varieties of the plant, even those that, because they do not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are identified as hemp – from where it is mostly extracted. 

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