28/08/2024  Moritz Foerster

The city of Wiesbaden announced in mid-August that it wanted to conduct a pilot project to research the sale of cannabis in pharmacies. Health Minister Milena Löbcke signed a declaration to this effect. However, there is no law for such pilot projects - or, as has been the plan since spring, the Cannabis Act (CanG) does not appoint a corresponding authority to which the city of Wiesbaden could even apply for such a pilot project. As a spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has now told krautinvest, this is set to change: the "authority responsible for this will be determined by a legal order of the BMEL," he promises - without, however, specifying a date when this will be the case.

Specifically, the answer from the BMEL states: "If there is no medical-scientific purpose within the meaning of the Medical Cannabis Act, the KCanG provides that a permit for the handling of cannabis for scientific purposes can be applied for. The authority responsible for this will be determined by a legal order from the BMEL." The spokesperson explains that the states and associations have already been involved in the draft regulation. "The further procedural steps follow the joint rules of procedure of the federal ministries. The time of the announcement of the regulation cannot currently be predicted exactly."

Interestingly, in parallel – according to the BMEL – a draft bill for the law on the second pillar is to be drawn up under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) in order to “scientifically design the possibilities of a commercial supply chain”.


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