24/06/2024  Hazel Norman

n a recent nationwide survey conducted in Germany by Pronova BKK, 44% of self-reported ‘regular’ cannabis consumers indicated that they plan to join one of the country’s social cannabis clubs once they launch this summer. Another 27% of ‘occasional’ cannabis consumers also indicated that they plan to join a club.

The Pronova BKK survey involved 1,000 people in Germany aged 18 and over and was conducted in May 2024. The survey also determined the following (translated from German to English) about Germany’s cannabis consumer base:

  • Over a quarter of Germans consume cannabis at least occasionally, and one in ten consumes it weekly
  • More than half of Generation Z consumes cannabis at least occasionally
  • For a third of cannabis consumers, legalization does not influence consumption behavior
  • Among younger respondents under 45 years of age, one in ten has increased consumption since legalization
  • Eight percent of non-users are considering growing their own cannabis at home

Among self-reported ‘regular’ cannabis consumers participating in the survey, 51% selected “Yes, I can imagine having my own cannabis to grow at home” when asked about home cultivation. Another 40% of ‘occasional’ cannabis consumers also selected that option in the survey.


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